Yesterday was my 34th birthday.
The day before my birthday I felt down. I was feeling emotionally drained, a bit lost, a bit frustrated, a bit defeated.
I woke up on my birthday, February 25th (mark that on your calendar), at 4 am. I saw some of my great clients and my mood lifted. I felt supported and loved. I was getting bombarded by Facebook messages of people I rarely hear from just to wish me a happy birthday. I know Facebook lets you know but I was so appreciative that they took time to write me that message. It really meant a lot. I received text messages from friends and family.
Later that day I was the guest speaker at 2 UM classes. They sang me happy birthday then I had the opportunity to hear their story, their dreams. I felt energized.
By the time I got home, my wife had invited my parents, in-laws, and brother to come over for dinner. We had a great time together over dinner and a delicious strawberry shortcake and a banana-chocolate tiramisu from Glaser Organic Farms (I highly recommend it, very delicious). It was a perfect end to a special day with some of the most important people in my life.
Birds of a feather…
Do the people that surround you add or subtract to your energy?
Do the people in your life offer value or only take away value?
Who you surround yourself with will highly impact your energy, your productivity, and your success in life.
In life there are adders, subtractors, dividers, and multipliers.
Adders are the people in your life that always leave you feeling more energized. They leave you with something extra of value than before you interacted with them.
Subtracters are people that seem to take and take and never give back. They are those negative people that leave you feeling drained.
Multipliers are those people that are exponential growers. They are similar to adders but make you excited to be around them. They help you grow exponentially.
Dividers are the most dangerous people of all. They are destroyers. They seek to divide and conquer. They are the gossipers that are looking to manipulate and destroy relationships. They seem to take away fro your life.
I have 2 questions for you:
1.ย ย What category do the friends, family, and clients you have fall into?
2.ย ย What category would others say you fall into?
My birthday wish for you is that you eliminate the subtractors and dividers in your life, surround yourself with adders and multipliers, and most important is have you move closer to becoming that multiplier in the lives of your family, friends and clients.ย As Gandhi stated, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” It is always easier to cast that stone and judge others.
I have said it before but I believe it is pertinent to this post,
“Our relationships are one of our most valuable assets for fulfillment, growth, and success.”
I am very appreciative to all the wonderful people in my life. To my family, my friends, my clients, thank you for the great birthday and for being the source of love and support that energizes me and my dreams.
PS – If you forgot to get me a birthday present don’t worry. ๐
Help me instead to help kids get clean drinking water. Did you know that every day 5,000 kids under the age of 5 die because of water related illness. Let’s bring that number down one child at a time.
(See why I donated my birthday to charity: water to help this cause –> Click here)
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