Category: Mindset

  • A Real Friend

    [responsive_video type=’youtube’ hide_related=’1′ hide_logo=’1′ hide_controls=’0′ hide_title=’1′ hide_fullscreen=’1′ autoplay=’0′][/responsive_video]

  • Don’t make this mistake

  • You Will Fail

    ​ Three weeks ago my wife and I had our first parent teacher meeting to go over our son’s progress over the first quarter of the year.  His teacher Mrs. Johnson commented how dedicated and immersive Mandy was with his lessons. She observed the leadership role he takes with the other students in the class.…

  • Lucy vs Karen. Who will win?

    Lucy started her weight loss journey last week. She lost 2 lbs, but noticed her friend had lost 5 lbs. She also noticed that her friend didn’t do as much exercise as she did. She decided that she would beat her friend by doing double workouts on next week. Karen started her weight loss journey…

  • What will they remember?

    [thrive_drop_caps color=’dark’ style=’1′]A[/thrive_drop_caps]n eruption of laughter as guys disperse to the baseball diamond. I look to see what all the commotion was about. There he was with a big smile – Coach Cas. Recently, I found out that former FIU assistant baseball coach passed away in April 2014, after a long battle with prostate cancer.…

  • “Courage” – The Poem

    Yesterday I shared an excerpt from A Knight’s Tale and it centered around Listening to the whispers around us. If you have not read yesterday’s email do so now then come back to this. I feel you will get more value from this poem if you have the backstory. Enjoy.[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””] COURAGE Your spouse…

  • Are you listening?

    Chaucer: Today… today, you find yourselves equals. [crowd roars]  Chaucer: For you are all equally blessed. For I have the pride, the privilege, nay, the pleasure of introducing to you to a knight, sired by knights. A knight who can trace his lineage back beyond Charlemagne. I first met him atop a mountain near Jerusalem,…

  • The Dance

    I recently watched a breathtaking video of a man and a women dancing on the side of a building while suspended by a rope.  Their movements were graceful, fun, and inspiring. It got me thinking about perspective. What is your perspective on health? Is it serving you so you achieve what you want? If not,…

  • This 7 Word Sentence Transforms!

    A simple seven word sentence that transformed my relationships. “Attention is the deep watermark of love.” The first time I heard this statement I was seated in a dark room with 27 other fathers listening to a gentlemen called Bob Linfors. We had all invested our Saturday to attend a fatherhood retreat to become better…

  • Later Syndrome Strategy

    Yesterday I sent out an email regarding “Later Syndrome” and “Tomorrow Takedown”. Today I wanted to share a simple strategy I found to be useful to break the “Later Syndrome” or the “Tomorrow Takedown”. I call it the “Finite Focus” countdown timer.  When my kids asks to play with me, I ask myself, “Does what…
