Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Now she is pain free
Welcome to the Friday Lunch Special. On the menu we have an amazing reflection and a heck of a testimonial. (See below) First let me share my Friday reflection. It comes from author Matthew Kelly. “To make great choices, you must first become very clear about why you are making them.” This goes for every…
Amelie’s Omelette Recipe
In this video, Amelie, my 4 year old makes her first 7 egg and spinach omelet. That morning we went to our local organic chicken farmer and picked up some fresh eggs. I taught her how to crack the egg and she mastered it quickly. The only thing she did not do was flip the…
A Real Friend
[responsive_video type=’youtube’ hide_related=’1′ hide_logo=’1′ hide_controls=’0′ hide_title=’1′ hide_fullscreen=’1′ autoplay=’0′]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TJ8RKQRYgY&feature=youtu.be[/responsive_video]
Don’t make this mistake
Monkey Bar Success
Here is a short video of my 5 year old doing the monkey bars for the first time. Here is what you need to know about this video: I scream a lot because I am super excited so lower the volume. Up to this point the furthest he had gone was 2 rungs. Perhaps it…
You Will Fail
Three weeks ago my wife and I had our first parent teacher meeting to go over our son’s progress over the first quarter of the year. His teacher Mrs. Johnson commented how dedicated and immersive Mandy was with his lessons. She observed the leadership role he takes with the other students in the class.…
Lucy vs Karen. Who will win?
Lucy started her weight loss journey last week. She lost 2 lbs, but noticed her friend had lost 5 lbs. She also noticed that her friend didn’t do as much exercise as she did. She decided that she would beat her friend by doing double workouts on next week. Karen started her weight loss journey…
Hypothermia almost killed me!
August 28th, 2002, my friend Johann and I pull up to the Barr Trail trailhead at 8 am. The temperature is 68 degrees. Our mission today is to run 12 miles up the Barr Trail to reach the top of Pikes Peak, then back down for a total of 24 miles. Pikes Peak is one…
What will they remember?
[thrive_drop_caps color=’dark’ style=’1′]A[/thrive_drop_caps]n eruption of laughter as guys disperse to the baseball diamond. I look to see what all the commotion was about. There he was with a big smile – Coach Cas. Recently, I found out that former FIU assistant baseball coach passed away in April 2014, after a long battle with prostate cancer.…
“Courage” – The Poem
Yesterday I shared an excerpt from A Knight’s Tale and it centered around Listening to the whispers around us. If you have not read yesterday’s email do so now then come back to this. I feel you will get more value from this poem if you have the backstory. Enjoy.[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””] COURAGE Your spouse…
Got any book recommendations?