Tag: greatness

  • Viktor Frankl – Expect More from Others

    This weekend I had the privilege of speaking at a seminar on fatherhood. It was a great seminar that helped the 50 fathers that attended, myself included. I picked up lots of great things that will enhance my relationship with my kids. Each man was there for different reasons yet they all wanted something similar.…

  • You are more beautiful

    Watch the video below. [youtube width=”560″ height=”315″]http://youtu.be/XpaOjMXyJGk[/youtube]   You are more beautiful than you think. Watching this video made me tear up (yes, I am a crier). Here is why… Every day I meet the most amazing people, the most amazing clients, the most amazing fathers, mothers, thought leaders. The problem is they are too…

  • Losing Weight is Not Easy

    The other day I came across this video. [youtube width=”560″ height=”315″]http://youtu.be/LAr6oAKieHk[/youtube] The greats make it look easy. No matter what you think of Michael Jordan you must admit he is determined. If you look at the video it quickly becomes apparent that he is absolutely determined to make the ball in the basket. Where others…
