Tag: perspective

  • The Words Coming Out Of Your Mouth

    [youtube width=”444″ height=”290″]http://youtu.be/zT9YqPtQfIU[/youtube]   Watch Video Above   As Jackie Chan stated in the movie Rush Hour, “Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?” I would flip the question around and ask you, “Do you understand the words coming out of your mouth?” Why? The words we use become the lens in…

  • Are your stressed? (part 2)

    (Did you read part 1 yet?   Click here.) Yesterday we focused on perspective. Today I want to really narrow our focus to importance. Are you giving more importance to things that are not really important? As Tony Robbins says, “Are you majoring in minor stuff?” Importance What are you giving importance to? In my senior…

  • Are you stressed? (part 1)

    I constantly hear the words, “I’m so stressed.” I want to share with you a few insights about stress and how to harness it’s power for good, for productivity, for growth. Here is the thing. The right stress will help you grow and become a better person. A diamond, one of the worlds hardest substances…
